Hi! I'm Tomás Hurrell

I'm a passionate Front-End Developer, that loves expressing through the art of building beautiful and maintainable software, while keeping in mind the design and user experience, altogether.

Featured work


A donations web app designed to connect donors with donation centers and community canteens. The app main feature is the map, showing registered centers closest to you based on donation types and range. Built with Kotlin + SpringBoot for the Backend and Next.js React with Material UI and MapBox / ReactMapGl for the Frontend.


A Recycling Centers and Services AI powered Mobile App. Developed during a 48 hour Flutter worldwide 'Hack20' hackathon.

Flutter Color

A simple and completely responsive Flutter app to generate color palettes. Built with Flutter's Stack and Implicit animation widgets for the Flutter Codepen Challenge.

Collaborated with awesome companies

Designed and built by me ©